10+ People Who Came Across the Most Disturbing Discoveries

10+ People Who Encountered one of the most Troubling Discoveries

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10+ People Who Came Across the Most

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  1. As to the first one being very ” disturbing “, it would have been way more disturbing if a 200yo child had fallen out of the hole !! 😮😅😂🤣😨

    1. I have read that putting shoes in the wall, was once thought to keep witches and evil away from he house. Also people use to wall up live cats in walls to ward off witches. So I suppose it was lucky that it was only a pair of children’s shoes!

    2. Imagine hearing that cat crying and crying to get out until the cries slowly faded away. Imagine smelling the decomposition of a roughly 5 kilogram cat for weeks and weeks. Imagine knowing someone was cruel enough to do such a thing. It doesn’t bear thinking about really, does it.

  2. As everyone else posting here has already pointed out, you need to check a dictionary for the definition of the word “disturbing.” Absolutely none of these posts could be called disturbing. Most of them were boring, some might fairly be considered interesting and one of them was actually heartwarming. But disturbing? Absolutely not.

  3. I bought a hanging bird feeder, on the wrapper it showed a robin and a bluetit sitting on the rungs looking at the camera. After filling it with seed I entered the house and looked out of the window. I literally couldn’t believe my eyes. There was a robin and a bluetit on the feeder in exactly the same place as the photo and they were staring at me where I was in the window. I can’t tell you how suddenly unnerved it made me feel. I backed away from the window and left them to it. It felt like the universe played a trick and it didn’t feel funny tbh

  4. My 6 year old did the dinosaur nest, too, using eggs from the fridge and a foot tall stuffed dinosaur, but he showed me he was doing it. It took me a full day of searching to find two smaller stuffed dinosaurs to secretly replace the eggs with a week later. I even cleaned out the eggshells and left them in the nest, too. It was years later before he told me that when he was 11, he finally realized what I had done.

  5. The one about running home to get a camera and then finding all the birds gone must be about me.
    Amateur bird photographer here.
    When I am out on a walk people will ask “did you get any nice shots”, my typical answer is “there is a big misunderstanding here. I don’t LIKE birds. I carry these 20 pounds of camera gear with me to make sure birds stay away”.

  6. I do not understand the bird thing. Why is it disturbing?. Disturbing and shocked are so overused on the clickbait titles. Find another word.

  7. This you tube channel has taken a strange turn, don’t like the new voice episodes, and this one is misleading with title, not disturbing at all, but odd. Unsubscribed.

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