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I don’t agree with the views of all the comebacks. I’m not woke. But anyone who says the left can’t do a decent comeback should see some of these. They’re witty & hilarious. 😂
The left is still trying to come back from Jimmy Carter………………………………………..Titties!
I find them more hateful than funny. 😒
Ok Karens.
Not woke? Oh sorry, hope you get better soon
@@DarkAngel.ArgLeo woke is whack
I’m so glad I read these, there’s hope yet!
If this is supposed to just be a “Daily Funny” channel, why am I getting more notifications than 1 per day? If this continues, I will unsubscribe.
It’s “funny daily” (I.e., every day has funny videos – which some clips are questionable), nothing of that indicates “one video a day”….
Buy a dictionary to learn the definition of “daily”.
Also, this is not an airport.
bye bye !
Here’s someone who doesn’t understand how to navigate a settings menu.
Corona was a worldwide medical debacle. The world probably should have had aids patients quarantined, they were not. To quarantine the western world was in order to destroy it. Never before has nation-after-nation allowed its citizenery to be used as guinea pigs. Never before have govts had the authoritarianism to force healthy, well people into quarantine. To order working adults to stay home and to not support their families. Only once before has a nation compelled people to turn their neighbors in for non-compliance of its tyrannical mandates. Mandates designed to instill a slave-mentality on a once free people. To train people to do as they’re told regardless of how stupid the orders were. And yet they keep pushing the propaganda that it was stupid for adults to decide to not follow stupid orders that didn’t apply to them because they were healthy. Those who turned others in for not wearing a slave-mask are lucky they haven’t suffered any backlash. The fallout from this tyranny is still happening businesses are closing, more and more people are going bankrupt and/or becoming homeless. instead of the blame going on to the covid agenda, people are being told that biz is closing due to theft. Squatters are homeless because they’re bad people, and they’re bad because they lost their job to covid. It is unbelievable that propagandists still dare to push non-compliance with the loss of freedoms as a bad thing. Wake up people. Globalists are laughing at you. They can’t believe how well that worked. Globalists/oligarchs/global cabal meet every year in a secret meeting the last week of June to decide what they’re going to do to us next.
A fine collection.
These are all liberal
Well, they’re labelled “brilliant”. What did expect?!?
Guess that means there’s a lot of conservative stupidity out there.
In the name of inclusion, there’s the list of all witty decent and fun US conservative commentary:
[end of list]
Corona was a worldwide medical debacle. The world probably should have had aids patients quarantined, they were not. To quarantine the western world was in order to destroy it. Never before has nation-after-nation allowed its citizenery to be used as guinea pigs. Never before have govts had the authoritarianism to force healthy, well people into quarantine. To order working adults to stay home and to not support their families. Only once before has a nation compelled people to turn their neighbors in for non-compliance of its tyrannical mandates. Mandates designed to instill a slave-mentality on a once free people. To train people to do as they’re told regardless of how stupid the orders were. And yet they keep pushing the propaganda that it was stupid for adults to decide to not follow stupid orders that didn’t apply to them because they were healthy. Those who turned others in for not wearing a slave-mask are lucky they haven’t suffered any backlash. The fallout from this tyranny is still happening businesses are closing, more and more people are going bankrupt and/or becoming homeless. instead of the blame going on to the covid agenda, people are being told that biz is closing due to theft. Squatters are homeless because they’re bad people, and they’re bad because they lost their job to covid. It is unbelievable that propagandists still dare to push non-compliance with the loss of freedoms as a bad thing. Wake up people. Globalists are laughing at you. They can’t believe how well that worked. Globalists/oligarchs/global cabal meet every year in a secret meeting the last week of June to decide what they’re going to do to us next.
1:23 That’s room temperature in °C, NOT in °F.
4:35 In each generation of Pokémon, there have been up to 200 unique Pokémons and they are always labelled with their names. There are well over 1000 common wild life species. JUST the birds in your area may count for 200 to 1000 species. Now, add the mammals, reptiles and insects.
I’ve said this before, but what qualified as ‘common’ in that study? Cause I doubt they just showed pictures of birds and expected answers like “robin”, “bluebird”, “crow”. If anyone thinks an 8 year old should be able to point out a red-billed longtail northeastern blue dove sparrow just by looking at it, they’d have to be a goddamn ornithologist. So of course the Pokemon were more well known, that’s not at all surprising.
@@matrixphijr Just wanted to say that my first thought was “knowing 50% of wildlife species is pretty impressive!”
@@DoloresLehmann EVEN for specialists that would be quite a feat.
I love the one with Philip Batterham! “I am the President of the International Genetics Foundation.” 😅
Some people are SO clever!
On the mask comment vs. the drunk driving comment: Not a good comparison. I was hit by a drunk driver while riding with my family 40 years ago. I had a seatbelt on and my husband was able to swerve away. But the man swerved back into us, breaking my pelvis, 3 ribs, a collar bone, and pushing my liver up into my right lung. I recovered but still have problems with the way my pelvis healed, causing knee and back problems. The drunk driver was fine. Drunk driving is never funny! Oh, BTW, he hit 2 young boys crossing a street 3 weeks later on a Sunday afternoon. He ran a red light before hitting them, then left the scene.
I’m very sorry for what happened to you. Yet no one said that drunk driving is funny. That’s exactly the point! The common denominator in the mask/driving comparison is that it’s not enough to protect oneself as long as others don’t give a damn about their fellow humans’ security.
2:21 Reminds me of an exchange I had with a whining boomer at a debate who was moaning about ‘kids these days’ and wanted to bring back conscription.
So I explained why the military doesn’t want conscription and that the younger generations have massive burdens placed on them already, that he never had.
Boomer whines some more, then argues I as a young guy knows nothing of military service and begins the rest of an insult ‘well sir’.
Couldn’t resist, went over his head by going “Exactly private, as former 2nd LT you would’ve had to call me sir. You did 100 days, I did 4 years.”
1:48 – Did it ever occur to Richard Cooper that maybe not everything a woman does is motivated by “what men want”?
2:08 – And let’s have a shout-out to Col. Kim Olson! 😀 (If I had a clapping hands emoji, I’d be using it!)
3:48 – Somebody warn Prometheus; he’s got competition.
6:54 – The irony is, Chief Hatuey had probably never even heard the term “sick burn”.
7:22 – This one is a classic! ❤
Should be called wokest chat of all time
…or smartest or cleverest or incitefullest…
@@williamcolbert7828 hahahaha, incitefulest??? GOLD. Thank you for that one. Best unintentional satire in a good while
Many of them are pretty old, but always fun to meet again!
Too political. Disappointed. Sick of the one sidedness.
I understand…one side is smart and your side is disappointing!
Corona was a worldwide medical debacle. The world probably should have had aids patients quarantined, they were not. To quarantine the western world was in order to destroy it. Never before has nation-after-nation allowed its citizenery to be used as guinea pigs. Never before have govts had the authoritarianism to force healthy, well people into quarantine. To order working adults to stay home and to not support their families. Only once before has a nation compelled people to turn their neighbors in for non-compliance of its tyrannical mandates. Mandates designed to instill a slave-mentality on a once free people. To train people to do as they’re told regardless of how stupid the orders were. And yet they keep pushing the propaganda that it was stupid for adults to decide to not follow stupid orders that didn’t apply to them because they were healthy. Those who turned others in for not wearing a slave-mask are lucky they haven’t suffered any backlash. The fallout from this tyranny is still happening businesses are closing, more and more people are going bankrupt and/or becoming homeless. instead of the blame going on to the covid agenda, people are being told that biz is closing due to theft. Squatters are homeless because they’re bad people, and they’re bad because they lost their job to covid. It is unbelievable that propagandists still dare to push non-compliance with the loss of freedoms as a bad thing. Wake up people. Globalists are laughing at you. They can’t believe how well that worked. Globalists/oligarchs/global cabal meet every year in a secret meeting the last week of June to decide what they’re going to do to us next.
@@williamcolbert7828 What side am I on sir? How did you ascertain this presumption?
25 cents a week allowance when I was a kid. (Alright, it was 1960s, but still …)