"Parents Having A Worse Day Than You": A picture series showcasing the amusing, messy, and unforeseeable side of raising kids. Ensured to make you feel better about your day.
I enjoy you all Every day I work hard to produce the best, newest videos for you to see. Hope you take 5 seconds to register for my channel. Thank you a lot.
Email: bossdt270217@gmail.com.
Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under an Innovative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Artist: incompetech.com.
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What I’m first yeah boiii 😎
The joy and wonder of parenting.LOL.
1:22 That kids got a future in pro ping pong if he able to break double pained glass.
He just needs to work on his aim a bit
Uggh the armpit one
Yum toothpaste
Some of these are seriously funny but I’m a bit concerned about some parenting skills. I had four kids and we never had a broken tv from throwing toys. First one covered herself with marker, we only had washable markers for the next 10 years. What on earth gives a child the idea to “draw” on a car with rocks?