10+ Tears Guaranteed: Kindness Stories That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

10+ Tears Guaranteed: Compassion Stories That Will Restore Your Faith in Humankind

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10+ Tears Guaranteed: Stories That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

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  1. Most of the time, an act of kindness by the giver is a smallish price; but for the receiver the value is priceless.

    1. @clarissagafoor5222 yeh, like you run into a burning building, turn up at work a bit late, unscathed, clean, not smelling of smoke?? OK dear, OK!!

  2. Most of these are probably true. Not the one with the house fire. If a stranger could get the child out, so could she. This really bothers me. There are enough angels out there without submitting a work of fiction

    1. If you are panicking and have certain other phobias and fears, it might have not been possible for her to go in, her child or not.

    2. I agree. Running in would have left their clothes smoky. No way someone at his job didn’t notice the smell.

    3. I MIGHT have believed it, except for the part where they were late for work, got in trouble, and didn’t explain why. No.

    4. I scoffed at #13, with the woman who was so horrified that a strange man wanted to dance with her that she let some random woman make out with her and then take her into the bathroom. Really? Can you imagine a man going along with that?

  3. I had a full time housekeeping associate who was awful. She wouldn’t clean the toilets ( this was in retail) and made others quit because she left everything to them. They eliminated that position and as I tried to get her into another full time position in the store she gave me her 2 weeks notice.
    A week later she came to me asking if she could take back her notice as her son had testicular cancer and her husband had lung cancer and she had breast cancer. I took her back no questions asked and she turned out to be the best associate.
    I transferred out not long after and treasure the picture I have of her and myself at my goodbye party.
    You never know about the ones whom need help and how far they can go with a little help.

    1. It’s not fake. I see this kindness all the time. You need to surround yourself with those people. Flee from those that express someone’s a chump for freely giving. You’ll be happier!🥰

  4. Bigger sprawling city that had a bus system that really didn’t work, stuck together haphazardly by different developers and some places had altitude issues. Winter had gifted with snow, ice, cold and everything was messy. A mall with grocery store and pharmacy and a terrible lot in a dip-you had to want to get in or out. Bare rock wall of 10 meters up was one side of the dip. And within sight, up there, several blocks of homes including this woman’s house. She had lupus and had a carful of groceries. Three and a half hours on bus to get up there and four blocks from her house or another five hours to see if the disability van that had dropped her off could come back for her or not. I drove a VW station wagon that looked sort of like a mini station wagon, and was being rung up behind her. I said wait five minutes and I’ll be glad to drop you off. She couldn’t thank me enough. Up, around, turn into there and it fed into the upper cul de sac neighborhood and into her driveway. All it cost her was a hug…

    1. Not all of them. An elderly woman and her disabled son were in the grocery store, and I noticed she kept checking her purse. In her cart were packages of ramen noodles and a quart of milk. As they stood in a long check-out line, I slipped $20 (all I had on me) into the cart seat. Last I saw, she and her son had left the check-out, smiling and continued shopping.

  5. Ive just read the one about the $300 insulin.. I live in New Zealand. We dont pay anything for our drugs. Nothing.

    1. Amazing, isn’t it? The greatest. richest country in the world can’t find enough money to make sure it’s citizens have access to life-saving drugs.

    2. @@davidcat1455I was just coming to comment something similar, and what do I find?! Hi my friend. How are you and family 🐾 down under?

    3. It’s because, in the arrogant and selfish U.S., it’s considered to be more important to keep doctors and drug companies RICH, even if it means poor people have to starve or die. Their values are COMPLETELY phucked up. Eight guys have more money than the rest of the country put together — but they sure don’t want to help the dying poor, because that’s the dreaded “SOCIALISM” they hate!! Jesus would be disgusted with them.

    4. @@davidcat1455 : Actually, if you look around, the U.S. hasn’t been the greatest for a long time now. They just always think they are.

  6. I drove a Vespa. WE couldn’t afford insurance on this 2nd vehicle. Our agent was more than kind when we told him it’s that or not eating. He payed for 6 months coverage and never asked for it back! Took us 18 months. But we payed him back.

  7. No7- that someone in America could die because they can’t afford their insulin is disgusting and disgraceful. Shame on America.

    1. The U.S. is FAR behind *the civilized world* when it comes to health care for all. They consider it more important to keep doctors rich, even if poor people have to die, or let their kids die. Disgraceful is right.

  8. I appreciate that you are trying to make people feel better, but why do the peop.e who do gooddeedsneed to mention them. That is hubris

  9. 1:26 In a sense you gave the homeless person a place to live. Not a good place, but at least somewhere to spend the whole night. And with that, he could sleep the full night, and go look for a room after work.

    To expect a person that has no roof and not enough food to save up to get a place to live is extremely harsh.

    1. 4:02 And this, fellow guys, is why girls always go the the bath room in groups. Leave no one alone in a jungle filled with predators.

  10. 6:12 or those clothes were a few years old and just hanging unused in their closet? Anyway is was a good thing to do.

  11. Beautiful. When my family, and I spent a year homeless. We lived in tents, campground to campground. People gave food, and money to help. They were amazing

  12. The insulin story – how can US citizens tolerate a healthcare system where living or dying can depend on how much money you’ve got?

    1. I’m American and sometimes (many times) people can’t afford their medications thanks to Big Pharma that makes many meds so expensive! Even with Medicare a few of my meds are expensive (I’m type 2 diabetic) and it’s shameful.

    2. We don’t want socialized medicine because every time our government touches health care, they make it worse.

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